We produced this Birketts 2D animation in collaboration with Fovea. The aim was to explain who they are and what they do in a simple, engaging way.

Birketts offer a full suite of legal services and also provide bespoke, personalised service. The Birketts 2D animation communicates a lot of information so the challenge was to make sure none of that got lost and that the key messages came through. 2D animations are often powerful means of communicating complex messages as they are typically clean and simplistic. For more on the benefits of 2D information, read our blog post on the subject.

We used After Effects to digitally animate the various icons and characters. The style choices of what to show on screen were deliberate to make sure the visuals not only matched the voiceover, but added to the meaning and resulted in something that would also be fun to watch.

This Birketts 2D animation was well received and picked up a Gold award at the 2015 Cambridgeshire Digital Awards.


Client: Birketts

Agency: Fovea

Creative: Picturesmith