With the festive season approaching the MATCHESFASHION team wanted to promote their Holiday Gift Guide. The task was to create a warm and atmospheric stop motion animation in line with the luxury feel the brand represents, inspiring the viewer to get shopping for Christmas.

We wanted to create a stop motion animation with personality, so landed on the concept of luxury gifts sneaking out of their boxes and then wrapping themselves back up again the night before Christmas.

The success of the project was going to come down to how well we could bring the cast of presents “to life” through stop motion animation. To make sure we got this right, we performed test shots to experiment with how the shoes should shuffle and the belt should snake its way across screen. The use of stop motion suited the concept as it gave a certain handmade charm to the ad.

Stop motion is one of our favourite animation techniques to work with and most of the commercials we have created to date have been made this way. Explore our portfolio for other examples.

We dressed the scene to resemble a cozy and elegant living room, ensuring the set was consistent with the luxury aesthetic of the brand. We used ambient lights to further add to the festive holiday atmosphere.



Director of Photography: Peter Ellmore

Production Design: George Lewin

Directed and Produced: Picturesmith

MF Domino scene MF Domino BTS